Sunday, July 22, 2012

Caro Giacomo 2012

Caro Giacomo celebrates its fifth anniversary.
A strange lab in the south west of Sardinia, where no one quite knows what to expect.
From 22 to 26 July Perdaxius explodes: to destroy and then to rebuild. One never creates anything, but it expands like gas-filled balloons.
One should try to be atomic and leap out from all protective membranes: I would like to make it new enable to think of it differently; starting from its archaeology ~ I want to do it again!
Dear Dear Caro, if I think of it by myself this is a flipper rumbling with thoughts. To share experiences sounds much better. DMFDF

Caro Giacomo compie cinque anni.

Uno strano laboratorio nel sud ovest sardo, dove chi arriva non sa mai bene che gli capita.

Dal 22 al 26 luglio Perdaxius esplode, rimontare dopo aver demolito, non si costruisce mai niente, ci s’espande come palloni che si riempiono di gas.

Pretendere d’essere atomici e schizzare via da ogni membrana protettiva: vorrei farlo nuovo per poterlo pensare diversamente, dalla sua archeologia ~ voglio farlo di nuovo!

Caro Caro Caro, a pensarci da solo รจ un flipper di rimbombi di pensieri, condividere esperienze suona meglio. DMFDF

Festa di San Giacomo e Sant’Anna in via Nazionale, Perdaxius (CI)
Con Yassine Balbzioui, Derek Maria Francesco Di Fabio, Michele Gabriele, Edna Gee, Andrea Rossi e Matteo Rubbi

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Internet tools and Arte Povera

Things such as Pinterest has a way of completely absorbing your time. One can spent hours getting lost in this form of visual consumption (something one must at least be critical of). Nevertheless it can be an incredibly helpful tool for students and artists to organise visual research. I prepared this Arte Povera  board while studying for an exam about it, which in the end helped me so much in being able to summarise some important works by some of the most important artists of the movement. Having images in my head as reference helped a lot  to recall the information. And the best thing was that I could just peek at this before I went to do the exam which was a quick and efficient way to refresh my memory.

By the way how wonderful is Arte Povera? Af first I was annoyed by the fact that we had an entire module just based on Arte Povera, but after this exam, I am so blown away by it. There is something timeless in these works. I especially love the work of Giovanni Anselmo. Such poetry in the way he used opposite materials together, played with gravity and tension, always keeping one in suspense of something that is about to happen. He is going on to my favourite artist list. 

The art buying game.

A new project of mine. It is game based on a Monopoly game but placed within the art market.The objective is to buy all the artist work and thus gain monopoly over the art world.