Friday, July 26, 2013

Horizontal Newspaper in Sibiu, Romania

The artist Dan Perjovschi has created this ongoing project, the Horizontal Newspaper, which is a public wall that documents actual news and events, both in Romania, but also in the world. Along with his own politically sharp drawings, he invites others to prepare stencils and contribute to the content. He has invited Isola Art Centre as well, it  falls under the section Capital ISM critique. Among the stencils also one of my city pigeons in collaboration with Bert Theis, who provided the slogan. I will reveal more about my pigeons in the future, but for now just some of the photos of the  stencils on the Horizontal Newspaper in Sibiu.  Some of the other stencils by Maddalena Fragnito and Edith Poirier. All photographs by Dan Perjovschi.

In Sardinia

Sulcis Oddity 
5 Years of Cherimus at MACC, Calasetta

Isa Griese, Rainbow, Caro Giacomo 2009. Photo Credit: BĂ©atrice Bailet

Fondazione MACC would like to invite you to the retrospective Sulcis Oddity, curated by Emiliana Sabiu

The exhibition documents the first five years of activities of Cherimus, an association active in the Sulcis-Iglesiente region of Sardinia, engaged in the diffusion of a form of territorial development linked to the realisation of contemporary art projects.

The exhibition recounts the reality of an association; one of its kind in Sardinia, that is able to work with artists from all over the world while actively engaging with the local fabric of Sulcis. The works exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Calasetta, describe the development of a special relationship between Cherimus and the territory it is active in: a place, Sulcis, which, from its marginalised position is transformed into an ideal centre for the development of new projects, defining, time after time new relational scenarios and possible new horizons. The retrospective intends to trace an implicit portrait of Sulcis-Iglesiente: through a selection of works designed and made exclusively for this territory, allowing for its distinguishing contradictions and complexities to be read. 

Sulcis Oddity. 5 anni di Cherimus
Opening Friday 2 August 2013, 19:00 – 22:00 
From 3 August to 29 September 2013

Museum of Contemporary Art, Calasetta 
Via Savoia, 2 
09011 Calasetta (CI) 

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday, 18 – 21 
Closed on Monday